Fatal Accident Involving A Ferrari At Rochor Road – Automobile Association of Singapore

Fatal Accident Involving A Ferrari At Rochor Road

Singapore, 25 May 2012: The recent accident involving a Ferrari at Rocher Road has claimed the lives of three and injured two others. While we express our condolences to the victims and their families, it clearly indicates s that more can be done on road safety.

Road safety is the responsibility of all road users, and not just any single individual or group of users. Whilst much has been done in the past, the recent series of incidents clearly mean that all road users need to put in much more efforts in terms of road safety.

Today’s vehicles are getting bigger, faster and mor e powerful. Therefore, there is an urgent need for us to harness on technology to improve the overall safety on the roads. We also have to ensure that the safety standards of cars allowed into Singapore meet international safety requirements. Besides seat belts and airbags, which should be standard requirements, we will need to further explore areas such as Anti-Lock Braking System, Lane Assist System, Anti-Collision System; etc. We will need to define and establish safety standards applicable to all our vehicles, our environments and our requirements.

Today 9 countries/regions worldwide have implemented a New Car Assessment Program (NCAP), where cars brought into and sold in the region are tested in accordance to an established protocol. Cars tested are based on standard basic configurations sold in their respective countries and are usually purchased independently from manufacturers or distributors. The tested cars are than rated from 0 Star (worst performing) to 5 Stars (safest). Results from the USA and Australia indicate that NCAP testing has a positive effect on car manufacturers and distributors selling better equipped and safer cars to consumers.

As a founding member of ASEAN NCAP, AA is now working closely with the ASEAN NCAP to look into vehicle safety; exploring the need to conduct crash test to vehicles that are sold to consumers in the region.

Road safety is the responsibility of all road users, regardless of age, sex, race and nationality. We must inculcate in everyone that they are responsible for not only their own safety, but that of other road users as well.

AA, together with the People’s Association, Singapore Road Safety Council and Traffic Police, launched the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety last year. Officially launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 6 March 2011, we have reached out to the public and after much publicity and effort, secured more than half a million pledges for road safety.

AA has brought this public education programme to the schools – from kindergartens to the tertiary institutions. We will continue with this mass public education programme.

Besides education, we have also developed two new membership categories to assist new and young drivers – Novus Membership to new motorists who are experiencing the open road for the first time and DriveStyle Membership to students in our tertiary institutions. Both these membership categories are meant to provide assurance and assistance to new and young motorists and come with the complete range of help, assistance and benefits that we offer to all our AA members.


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