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Road Tax Renewal

Car Road Tax Renewal

If you own a registered vehicle in Singapore, having a valid road tax is an integral part of your ownership. You need to ensure that you have a valid road tax before driving the vehicle on the road.

As an owner of a Singapore-registered vehicle, you are required to renew your road tax every 6 or 12 months. You have to ensure that you renew your road tax before it expires, as a late renewal fee will be imposed for late renewal of road tax. It will also result in a fine of up to $2000, as it is an offence to keep or use a vehicle with an expired road tax.

Before proceeding with the renewal of your vehicle road tax, you must ensure that you meet the following renewal prerequisites:
  • Vehicle insurance coverage
    It is a requirement by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to have an insurance that covers your vehicle throughout the entire period of your renewed road tax. Before proceeding with the road tax renewal, you have to ensure that your vehicle is insured with valid vehicle insurance that covers third-party liability for deaths and bodily injury.
  • Vehicle inspection
    Prior to road tax renewal, you are required to get your vehicle inspected at an authorised inspection centre in Singapore, if your vehicle is due for periodic inspection.
  • Clear off any outstanding fines with HDB, URA, TP or LTA
    In order for the renewal of your road tax to proceed smoothly, you need to ensure that you clear your outstanding fines from the Housing and Development Board (HDB), Urban Redevelopment Agency (URA), Traffic Police (TP) and Land Transport Authority (LTA), as these outstanding fines may obstruct your road tax renewal process.
  • Number plate inspection for Weekend Cars / Off-Peak Cars / Revised Off-Peak Cars
    If your vehicle falls under the following schemes, you need to get the number plate seal of your vehicle inspected at an LTA-authorised inspection centre.
  • Vehicle Parking Certificate (VPC) for heavy vehicles
    If you are renewing the road tax of a heavy vehicle, you must ensure that your vehicle has a valid VPC.
You can renew your road tax at AA @GB Point.
To renew your road tax, simply bring along the following documents:
  • Car road tax renewal notice
  • Original insurance certificate covering the full period of the new vehicle licence
  • Original inspection certificate (if applicable)
  • Vehicle parking certificate (if applicable)

Payment for road tax renewal can be made by cash, cheque. You can check the price of your road tax renewal by entering your Vehicle Registration Number or your vehicle’s engine capacity and age.

Kindly make cheque payable to ‘Land Transport Authority of Singapore’.

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